
Touch of Jules has knowledge that can be useful to other companies who are looking to expand and/or need someone to help them with a specific project. Before starting Touch of Jules, a career of sales and management assignments preceded, at all levels within a company, from lower to senior management, as well as to board level, both local and international, both with small and large companies, both with small and large accounts.
This knowledge is available to be shared on consultancy basis.
Target group : small to medium size enterprises who are looking for the next step in their business success. Large companies can of course contact us for specific projects in their business model.
Domain of expertise : management, sales, marketing. All levels. Local and international.
Pricing : project specific. to be discussed case by case. can be day fee or project fee.
Contact : please use the contact page if you'd require more detailed info and/or request a meeting to discuss your project. or call +32473671282 or mailto